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Arts and Humanities Open until 22:00 o'clock
Open until 22:00 o'clock
Bibliothekspl. 2 / 07743 Jena
+49 3641 9404100
Monday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Tuesday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Wednesday: 8 a.m–10 pm.m
Thursday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Friday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Saturday: 10 a.m–8 p.m
Sunday: 10 a.m–6 p.m
Law/Econ/Social Open until 22:00 o'clock
Open until 22:00 o'clock
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3 / 07743 Jena
+49 3641 9404420
Monday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Tuesday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Wednesday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Thursday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Friday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Saturday: 10:00–8 p.m
Sunday: 10:00–6 p.m
Natural Sciences Geschlossen
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2 / 07743 Jena
+49 3641 9404483
Monday: 9 a.m–8 p.m
Tuesday: 9 a.m–8 p.m
Wednesday: 9 a.m–8 p.m
Thursday: 9 a.m–8 p.m
Friday: 9 a.m–8 p.m
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed
Medicine Geschlossen
Bettenhaus 3 / Ebene 0 / Am Klinikum 1 / 07747 Jena
+49 3641 9320095
Monday: 9 a.m–4 p.m
Tuesday: 9 a.m–6 p.m
Wednesday: 9 a.m–4 p.m
Thursday: 9 a.m–6 p.m
Friday: 9 a.m–4 p.m
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed
thulb.de / ThULB / Events / Training courses & guided tours

Schulungen & Führungen

Wir unterstützen Sie mit Einführungsveranstaltungen sowie spezifischen und individuellen Schulungen:

General introduction to the library (students, pupils, etc.)


Dates and registration:

Current dates are announced in our event calendar and Friedolin.

  • Persons affiliated with the University of Jena can sign up via Friedolin.
  • Others can apply via e-mail.

In a 120 minute long ZOOM meeting, interested persons will receive an insight on the most important features of Citavi.

The course presents the following content:

  • Short comparison of reference management systems
  • Basic features of Citavi and choice of citation style
  • Collection of literature
  • Navigation and production of a simple reference list
  • Citation and indexing in Microsoft Word
  • Knowledge management: Manage citations, define and manage categories
  • Short overview on further Citavi features

Please sign up via Friedolin.

Current dates are announced in our event calendar. Please contact the library for individual consultations.

This 60 minute introductory course covers important EndNote features such as search, management of references and full texts, integration of reference lists and interdependencies between EndNote and word processing programs.

Current dates are announced in our event calendar. Please contact the library for individual consultations.

This 90 minute online course covers the following components:

  • Quick entries of bibliographical data
  • Settings for the management and analysis of data
  • Subsequent use in word processing programs
  • A short exercise will show the benefits of reference management systems in research scenarios

We recommend the use of Zotero for term papers, final theses, creation of bibliographies and collaborative work. The program can be installed on Apple Mac gadgets.

Access here: Self-study course in Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen 
Access code: Tv!H7@38

Für Lehrpersonen und deren Beauftragte (Sekretariate, Hilfskräfte usw.) bieten wir individuelle Beratungen und Schulungen an. Vermittelt werden - je nach Bedarf - u.a.:

  • Tipps zum konkreten Umgang mit den Apparaten im Detail einschließlich der Funktionen zur Organisation einer Lehrveranstaltung und der jeweils eingesetzten Lehrmaterialien
  • Hinweise zu den passwortgeschützten Zugängen für alle Personengruppen Ihrer Lehrveranstaltung
  • Verknüpfung zum Medienbestand der ThULB in print und digital
  • Semesterapparate und Urheberrecht

Termine finden nach Absprache statt.

Training courses put emphasis on the following topics:

  • ThULB services
  • Subject related media search
  • Databases
  • Workshops for people interested in science (e.g. as colloquium) 

Dates and registration:

Current dates are announced in our event calender and Friedolin.

  • Persons affiliated with the University of Jena can sign up via Friedolin.
  • Others can apply via e-mail.
  • Group events may be organised according to demand.

Ideas and inquiries regarding training courses can be forwarded to the subject librarians:

In our coffee lectures series, we inform on different topics and services regarding academic work. Presentations will not be longer than 30 minutes. Registration is not required.

Do you have any questions regarding media search and topic building? You need individual help? We are glad to assist you!

Please arrange an appointment with your subject librarian.

Aktuelle Termine finden Sie im Veranstaltungskalender.