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Arts and Humanities Open until 22:00 o'clock
Open until 22:00 o'clock
Bibliothekspl. 2 / 07743 Jena
+49 3641 9404100
Monday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Tuesday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Wednesday: 8 a.m–10 pm.m
Thursday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Friday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Saturday: 10 a.m–8 p.m
Sunday: 10 a.m–6 p.m
Law/Econ/Social Open until 22:00 o'clock
Open until 22:00 o'clock
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3 / 07743 Jena
+49 3641 9404420
Monday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Tuesday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Wednesday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Thursday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Friday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Saturday: 10:00–8 p.m
Sunday: 10:00–6 p.m
Natural Sciences Open until 20:00 o'clock
Open until 20:00 o'clock
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2 / 07743 Jena
+49 3641 9404483
Monday: 9 a.m–8 p.m
Tuesday: 9 a.m–8 p.m
Wednesday: 9 a.m–8 p.m
Thursday: 9 a.m–8 p.m
Friday: 9 a.m–8 p.m
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed
Medicine Geschlossen
Bettenhaus 3 / Ebene 0 / Am Klinikum 1 / 07747 Jena
+49 3641 9320095
Monday: 9 a.m–4 p.m
Tuesday: 9 a.m–6 p.m
Wednesday: 9 a.m–4 p.m
Thursday: 9 a.m–6 p.m
Friday: 9 a.m–4 p.m
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed
thulb.de / ThULB / Locations / Law, Economics and Social Sciences

Law, Economics and Social Sciences

Current Information


All ThULB facilities remain closed on 20.09.2024 (World Children's Day).


During opening hours ThULB offers access to self-service machines that enable users to borrow and return media by themselves.

A media return box is available as well.

Library building

Open until 22:00 o'clock
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3 / 07743 Jena
+49 3641 9404420
Monday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Tuesday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Wednesday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Thursday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Friday: 8 a.m–10 p.m
Saturday: 10:00–8 p.m
Sunday: 10:00–6 p.m

General information

  • The library stock includes monographs, newspapers, journals and lendable textbooks of all subjects.
  • Loose leaf editions (cannot be borrowed) of all subjects are located on the first floor.
  • Parts of the stock are stored in the branch library’s stack. Media can be requested via the information desk on the ground floor.
  • 3D model of branch library

Ground Floor

  • Law
  • European Documentation Centre (partially located in the library’s stack)
  • United Nations Depository Library (located in the library’s stack)

1st Floor

  • Law

Ebene 2

  • Economics (monographs, textbooks)

3rd Floor

  • Economics (newspapers and journals)
  • Sociology and political science
    • Computer work stations (access to internet and ThULB-Suche catalogue) including one computer with CD-ROM drive
    • Work space with access to internet via Wi-Fi and patch cable
    • Work space for the visually impaired
    • Carrels and group rooms (both group rooms are equipped with 55 inch screens)
    • Copier
    • Book scanner
    • Scantent (first floor)

    Work space and rooms can be booked via CARREL. For the use of single study rooms (carrels), a prior reservation via the loan and information desk is necessary. Work space reservation (open access area) is optional. In case a person occupies your reserved work space, please show your reservation confirmation mail and kindly ask the person to vacate the spot.

    Please use the floor plan or the 3D model to determine the location of your work space.

    Teilbibliothek Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (ThULB) Foto/Grafik: Avocado Film/ThULB
    Self-Scantent (How to) Foto/Grafik: ThULB

    Support via the Service Desk Portal*

    * This ticket system enables simple and fast communication to clarify your questions and concerns. You can view the current status of your enquiry at any time and will also be informed of updates by e-mail. You can gain access with your URZ login or, if you are not a member of the university, by registering once with your e-mail address. Details can be found under Service Desk login für FSU external e-mail adresses.

    • Information (Rewi)

      Ebene 1

      Mo-Fr 9 - 18 Uhr

    • Information (Wiwi/Soz/Pol)

      Ebene 3

      Mo-Fr 9 - 18 Uhr
      Politik, Soziologie, Wirtschaft